{% load i18n mezzanine_tags comment_tags rating_tags %} {% for comment in comments_for_thread %}
{% editable comment.is_public comment.is_removed %} {% if not comment.is_removed and comment.is_public or request.user.is_staff %} {% if comment.url %}

{{ comment.user_name }} {% else %}

{{ comment.user_name }} {% endif %} {% blocktrans with sometime=comment.submit_date|timesince %}{{ sometime }} ago{% endblocktrans %}

{{ comment.comment|comment_filter }}

{% endif %} {% if not comment.is_removed and comment.is_public %} {% trans "Link" %} | {% trans "Reply" %} {% if settings.COMMENTS_USE_RATINGS %}
{% rating_for comment %}
{% endif %}
{% if replied_to == comment.id %} {% fields_for posted_comment_form %} {% else %} {% fields_for unposted_comment_form %} {% endif %}
{% else %}

{% if comment.is_removed %} {% trans "Comment deleted" %} {% else %} {% trans "Comment awaiting approval" %} {% endif %} {% blocktrans with sometime=comment.submit_date|timesince %}{{ sometime }} ago{% endblocktrans %}

{% endif %} {% comment_thread comment %} {% if not comment.is_removed and comment.is_public or request.user.is_staff %}
{% endif %} {% endeditable %}

{% endfor %} {% if no_comments %}

{% trans "There are currently no comments" %}

{% endif %}